July 2024 “Wild Abandon: A New Park in Dublin is a Case Study in Inspired Reuse of Materials.” Landscape Architecture Magazine, July 2024 Vol. 114 No. 7. Washington, D.C.: The American Society of Landscape Architects, 64-83.
May 2024 “Planting for a better future: Olivia Laing’s Garden Against Time” Recessed Space [website]. https://recessed.space/00190-Olivia-Laing-Garden-Against-Time
August 2023 “Dear Earth: Shining Artificial Light on the Climate Crisis” Recessed Space [website]. https://recessed.space/00120-Dear-Earth-at-the-Hayward-Gallery
August 2022 ‘The Last Floriade?’ Landscape Architecture Magazine, August 2022 Vol. 112 No. 8. Washington, DC: The American Society of Landscape Architects, 120-131.
June 2022 ‘Wayfaring, but Stranger’ Landscape Architecture Magazine, June 2022 Vol. 112 No. 6. Washington, DC: The American Society of Landscape Architects, 42-48.
2021 (with Eglé Pačkauskaite) ‘Avuncular Architectures: Queer Futurity and Life Economies’ in Waterman, Tim, Ed Wall, and Jane Wolff, Eds. Landscape Citizenships. London and New York: Routledge, 79-108.
2021 ‘Duas praças de Londres e a Teoria do Buraco Bege: como arquitetos paisagistas criativos e prudentes podem estar presos na armadilha da produção de não-lugares através de empreendimentos’ in Antonio Colchete, Frederico Braida, Klaus Chaves Alberto, Gustavo Abdalla, and Mariane Garcia Unanue, Eds. Essays on the Design of the Built Environment. Juiz de Fora, Brazil: Editora UFJF (Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora).
June 2020 ‘During and After the Pandemic Our Streets Need More Democracy’. On the Landscape Research Group blog here.
March 2020 ‘In Public: London’ on the ominous first days of the COVID-19 lockdown. On the LAM blog here.
2020 ‘Time Portals, Love Machines, Land Oracles: Hybrid Geography and the Situated Digital’ in AD ‘The Landscapists’, edited by Ed Wall.
2019 ‘Other Stranger’s Paths: in homage to John Brinckerhoff Jackson’ in JoCA 04.
2019 Kent Mathewson, Tom Mels, Theano S. Terkenli, Tim Waterman, Claudio Minca, Michael Jones & Kenneth R. Olwig (2019) The Meanings of Landscape: Essays on Place, Space, Environment and Justice, The AAG Review of Books, 7:4, 291-304, DOI: 10.1080/2325548X.2019.1650562 https://doi.org/10.1080/2325548X.2019.1650562
September 2018 ‘Feasting is a Project’ in University of Plymouth, Imagining Alternatives [website] http://blogs.plymouth.ac.uk/imaginingalternatives/2018/09/30/feasting-is-a-project-tim-waterman/
September 2018 ‘Living in Your Landscape’ Talking Point column in Garden Design Journal.
July 2018 ‘Two London Squares and a Theory of the Beige Hole’ in Landscape Architecture Magazine.
2018 ‘National Progress’ in the Bartlett School of Architecture Unit Eleven publication for 2018.
2018 ’Democracy and Trespass: Political Dimensions of Landscape Access’ in Egoz, Shelley, Deni Ruggeri and Karsten Jørgensen, Eds. Defining Landscape Democracy: Perspectives on Spatial Justice. London: Edward Elgar
2018 ’Introducing Hope: Landscape Architecture and Utopian Pedagogy’ in Jørgensen, Karsten, Richard Stiles, Elke Mertens, and Nilgül Karadenyz, Eds. Routledge Handbook of Teaching Landscape. London and New York: Routledge
2018 ‘Taste, Foodways, and Everyday Life’ in Zeunert, Joshua and Tim Waterman, eds. Routledge Handbook of Landscape and Food.
2018 ‘Introduction’ in Zeunert, Joshua and Tim Waterman, eds. Routledge Handbook of Landscape and Food.
2018 ‘Thailand, Highland, and Secret Island: Landscape and Power in Bond Films’ in Strong, Jeremy, ed. Bond Uncovered. Palgrave Macmillan
2017 ‘Making Meaning: Minds, Bodies, and Media in Architectural Education’ in Imaginaries of the Future 01: Bodies and Locations, special issue, Open Library of the Humanities. Essay may be read here.
Autumn 2017 Waterman, Tim and Joshua Zeunert ‘Beyond the Ornamental: Agriculture and the City’ (interview with Tim Waterman) Foreground, Autumn 2017. https://www.foreground.com.au/environment/undoing-the-ornamental-landscape/
2017 ‘Publicity and Propriety: Democracy and Manners in Britain’s Public Landscape’ in Wall, Ed, and Tim Waterman, eds. Landscape and Agency: Critical Essays, Routledge.
2017 ‘Introduction: Critical Concerns of Landscape’ in Wall, Ed, and Tim Waterman, eds. Landscape and Agency: Critical Essays, Routledge.
August 2017 ‘What’s in a Name? In Britain, Anglo-Saxon Place-names Hold Hydrological Clues’ – article on the Flood and Flow project in Landscape Architecture Magazine.
May 2017 ‘Despot, Martyr, and Fool’ An obituary for the Garden Bridge. Landscape Architecture Magazine website. https://landscapearchitecturemagazine.org/2017/05/12/despot-martyr-and-fool/
January 2017 ‘It’s About Time’ – article on genius temporum in the Girona landscapes of Marti Franch of EMF. In Landscape Architecture Magazine. Article may be read here
Autumn 2016 ‘Other Stranger’s Paths’ in the journal Testing Ground – and on this website here
Spring/Fall 2016 ‘Dining at a Distance: Performing the Commons Across Time and Space’ co-authored with Ruth Catlow. In the online journal P-E-R-F-O-R-M-A-N-C-E. Article may be read here
June 2016 ‘There’s Room’ – article on the massive Room for the River project in Holland in Landscape Architecture Magazine.
October 2015 ‘Situating the Digital Commons: A Conversation Between Tim Waterman and Ruth Catlow’ http://www.furtherfield.org/features/interviews/situating-digital-commons-conversation-between-ruth-catlow-and-tim-waterman
September 2015 ‘Keep It Up’ – article on Atelier Dreiseitl’s work with water at two parks in Oslo – Hølaløkka and Nansen Park in Landscape Architecture Magazine.
Summer 2015 ‘Community Effort’ on West 8’s work on Máximapark in Utrecht, Landscape: the journal of the Landscape Institute, reprinted from Landscape Architecture Magazine with new photography by Johan de Boer.
Autumn 2015 ‘Nathaniel Coleman – Lefebvre for Architects‘ (Review) Utopian Studies: The Journal for the Society for Utopian Studies Vol. 26 No. 2
July 2015 ‘The Global Cucumber’ on the discordant realities of the Milan Expo, Landscape Architecture Magazine http://www.tim-waterman.co.uk/?p=194
June 2015 ‘Henri Lefebvre – Critique of Everyday Life, Vols 1, 2, and 3′ (Review) Journal of Architecture
May 2015 ‘Trees for Tokyo’ on the work of the landscape architecture practice Studio on Site, Landscape Architecture Magazine
January 2015 ‘Power Up’ Book Review of Dirk Sijmons Landscape and Energy in Landscape Architecture Magazine
2014 ‘Publicity and Propriety: Democratic Etiquette in the Public Landscape’, Proceedings of UNISCAPE (EU) Careggi Seminar. https://www.academia.edu/8978361/Publicity_and_Propriety_Democratic_Etiquette_in_the_Public_Landscape
2014 ‘Talking Point’, Garden Design Journal http://www.tim-waterman.co.uk/?p=69
June 2014 ‘Circular Logic: Birmingham’s Paradise Circus’ in Landscape Architecture Magazine.
2014 ‘Pedestrian Etiquette, Gormless Phone Users, and the Rise of the Meanderthal’, on The Conversation UK: https://theconversation.com/pedestrian-etiquette-gormless-phone-users-and-the-rise-of-the-meanderthal-30282
July 2014 ‘Common Wealth’ on West 8’s work on Máximapark in Utrecht, Landscape Architecture Magazine
April 2014 ‘At Liberty’ on TVK, Martha Schwartz Partners, and Areal’s work on the Place de la République, Paris, Landscape Architecture Magazine http://www.tim-waterman.co.uk/?p=111
2013 ‘A Landscape Conversation: Design, Representation, Process’ with Ed Wall. Published in the book Doñana: Out of the City at the Politecnico di Milano, 2013, and in the journal Urban, Mar/Aug 2013.
2011 ‘The Flavor of the Place: Eating and Drinking in Payottenland’ in Strong, Jeremy, ed. Educated Tastes: Food, Drink and Connoisseur Culture, Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press. Read: Waterman_Flavor_of_the_Place
Autumn 2011 ‘A Question of Taste’ on understanding and working with taste in landscape design, in Landscape: the journal of the Landscape Institute. PDF: Taste_Autumn2011
Summer 2011 ‘Land Ho!’ on landscape as viewed from the water, in Landscape: the journal of the Landscape Institute. PDF: LandHo_July2011_
Spring 2010: ‘Exploring the Landscape of Urban Design’ on the place of the landscape architect in the work of urban design, in Landscape: the journal of the Landscape Institute. PDF: Urban-Design_Spring2010
‘A Word … ‘ is my regular column in Landscape: the journal of the Landscape Institute. PDFs of the column from 2011-2014 are below. More recent columns now appear on my blog.
Spring 2014: “Theatre” A_Word_Theatre_Spring_2014
Winter 2013: “Habitat” A_Word_Habitat_Winter_2013
Autumn 2013: “Customer” A_Word_Customer_Autumn_2013
Summer 2013: “Crowdsourcing” A_Word_Crowdsourcing_Summer_2013
Spring 2013: “Greenspace” A_Word_Greenspace
Autumn 2012: “Hippocampus” A Word – Hippocampus
Summer 2012: “Source” A-Word_Summer2012
Spring 2012: “Scope” A-Word_May2012
Winter 2012: “Cinematographic” A-Word_Jan2012
Autumn 2011: “Paving” A-Word_Nov2011
Summer 2011: “Vast” A-Word_August2011
Spring 2011: “Material” A-Word_April2011
Winter 2011: “Cynicism” A_Word_Cynicism